Educational Excellence Accreditation

Educational Excellence Accreditation is available at the course, program, or organizational level for organizations ranging from executive education and continuing professional development providers to universities, business schools, and national civil service leadership academies.

Educational Excellence Accreditation is more challenging than standards-based accreditations which just evaluate your programming against a minimum standard (and so only guard against mediocrity). Assessment scope includes program and/or course impact and so it is more than just an “input checkbox exercise,” which makes Educational Excellence Accreditation truly meaningful.

Achieving Educational Excellence Accreditation is difficult but it is this which makes it valuable, both externally as an independent acknowledgement of quality and internally as a recognition of the work you have put in to make accreditation possible.

Organization Accreditation

The assessment framework considers both the inputs, such as the quality of course content and delivery and, importantly, outputs. Outputs are assessed holistically by looking at the impact courses have on their participants’ learning and development. For civil service leadership academies, professional development, and executive education providers, the impact on the organizations in which participants work is also assessed.

The assessment starts with the organization’s mandate and strategy and, from there, looks at leadership, people management, communication, process management, and resource management (considering both inputs and outcomes) in addition to the organization’s policies, faculty, programs, and courses.

Following the assessment, feedback reports are provided, outlining opportunities for improvement, which facilitate the organization’s continual improvement.

The assessment process typically involves an international team of assessors with expertise in various aspects of education management and course/program subject matter expertise and, for civil service leadership academies, both public sector leadership experience and understanding of the training needs of the public sector organizations.

Accredited organizations are reassessed once every three years.

Program & Course Accreditation

As with organization assessment, program and course inputs and outputs are assessed holistically by looking at the impact courses have on their participants’ learning and development. For civil service leadership academies, professional development, and executive education providers, the impact of the program/courses on the organizations in which participants work is also assessed.

Assessment starts with the learning objective of the program or course and, from there, looks at policies, course content, activities, technologies used, formative and summative learning assessment approaches in addition to the program/course’s instructors and administrative procedures.

Accredited programs and courses are reassessed once every three years.

Accreditation Assessors

We have a wide range of experienced assessors we can draw upon for the assessment. The exact team will depend on availability and contextual details such as language, cultural and subject matter expertise requirements.

Our assessor pool includes former Ministry of Education Secretary Generals, University Faculty Deans, professors, teachers, senior civil servants, consultants, and other professionals.

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