Government & Public Sector Excellence Programs
We are experienced in designing, developing, and delivering excellence assessment and award programs for the government and the public sector. These programs help governments transform and lead the way as international role models that inspire confidence, enhance the wellbeing of their citizens, and contribute to the success of their nations.
The benefits of running a well-designed excellence awards program that makes use of qualified external assessors with subject matter expertise include:
- Highly credible assessment outputs
- Incentives for entities to act on assessment findings
- Improved levels of excellence throughout public sector organizations
- Deserving recognition for those entities which are improving and for those who are well along on their journey to excellence
- Better results for all stakeholders
- Potential international recognition and praise of excellence initiatives and the performance of the entities being assessed
We can design your excellence program and provide BEX-trained subject matter expert assessors to assess government bodies ranging from the central banks and education to ministries of health and ministries of foreign affairs.