Leadership Excellence

A Certificate in Leadership Excellence from the Institute can be earned by successfully completing 3 courses which have been carefully crafted to build the competencies and skills required to be an effective leader in today’s complex, dynamic world:

These demanding courses bring participants on a learning journey that not only enables them to learn about leadership, strategy, and ethics but also enables them to learn how to lead, how to be strategic, and how to make ethical decisions.

All three learner-centric courses adopt a constructivist approach to learning which combines active, experiential, social, and problem-based learning with more traditional teaching methodologies. People who successfully complete all three courses, achieving a grade of at least 70% in each, earn a Certificate of Leadership Excellence.

The courses are delivered online by our delivery partner Dalhousie University through its Faculty of Open Learning & Career Development. Each runs for 3 months and requires a minimum input of 3+ hours a week (most of which can be done whenever suits participants but there is a 45-minute web conference every week).
