Recognized Excellence Experts

Excellence Practitioners and, on an exceptional basis, Academic Members with proven experience helping others achieve excellence are able to apply for consideration to become a Recognized Excellence Expert™. If the member is in good standing and the Institute obtains references and feedback on the member from both other members and his or her clients which satisfy its Review Panel that the member possesses the required levels of subject matter expertise, communication skills, and willingness to learn and improve, the Institute will award the Recognized Excellence Expert™ accreditation to the member.

The accreditation is a “living one” which is revoked should any new feedback on the member’s professional performance require it, if the member fails to maintain subject matter expertise and ongoing personal development, is found to be in breach of the Institute’s Code of Conduct, or ceases to be a member of the Institute.

Qualified REEs

Nihal Akkaya (Turkey)
Nihal Akkaya
Eric Anderson (Canada)
Eric Anderson
Pravin Bastian (India)
Pravin Bastian
John Bourke (Ireland)
John Bourke
Urs Bucher (Switzerland)
Urs Bucher
Patricia Carvalho (Portugal)
Patricia Carvalho
Józefa Fawcett (UK)
Józefa Fawcett
Gail Figaro (Trinidad and Tobago)
Gail Figaro
Matt Fisher (Belgium)
Matt Fisher
Michael Gamerl (USA)
Michael Gamerl
Julio Gonzalez Bedia (Spain)
Julio Gonzalez Bedia
Victoria Hill (Morocco)
Victoria Hill
Greg Holder (UK)
Greg Holder
Nedal Ismail (Canada)
Nedal Ismail
Pere Juarez Vives (Spain)
Pere Juarez Vives
Gelina Karella (Greece)
Gelina Karella
Yiannis Lagos (Greece)
Yiannis Lagos
Nele Leosk (Estonia)
Nele Leosk
Lene Lindholm (Denmark)
Lene Lindholm
Marie Lindsay (UK)
Marie Lindsay
Thomas Louis (Switzerland)
Thomas Louis
Declan Lyons (Ireland)
Declan Lyons
Dwight Mihalicz (Canada)
Dwight Mihalicz
Susan Murray (Canada)
Susan Murray
Nancy Nouaimeh (U.A.E.)
Nancy Nouaimeh
Kenji Ohdate (Japan)
Kenji Ohdate
David Paige (USA)
David Paige
Jon Pascoe (Canada)
Jon Pascoe
Jan Hendrik Peters (Germany)
Jan Hendrik Peters
Jacques Philippaerts (Belgium)
Jacques Philippaerts
Dimitrios (Greece)
Dimitrios Psarras
Pat Ring (Ireland)
Pat Ring
Sergio Rios (Spain)
Sergio Rios
Nilgun Saryal (Turkey)
Nilgun Saryal
Robert Scherrer (Japan)
Robert Scherrer
Shahriar Sharifi (Norway)
Shahriar Sharifi
Stephen Smith (Ireland)
Stephen Smith
Antonios Spanis (Greece)
Antonios Spanis
Bhaskaran Srinivasan (India)
Bhaskaran Srinivasan
Neal Traynor (Ireland)
Neal Traynor