Course Open for Enrolment: The Pragmatic Manager Development Program

Enrolment is now open for the next Pragmatic Manager Development Program, starting March 21 in Dublin.

The program consists of 12 x 2.5 hours sessions – spaced a month apart – over the course of a year.

  • Venue:            Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, Dublin
  • Time:               9:00am to 11:30am
  • Class Size:      Limited to 14 places

Many managers are appointed to positions without adequate training and, as a result, lack the practical skills needed to successfully manage a business. The Pragmatic Manager Development Program has been designed to equip managers of small and medium-sized businesses and family businesses with the know-how, skills, and confidence to facilitate more efficient management.

Most traditional management training courses focus heavily on theory and overlook the essential, practical skills which are vital to managers. The Pragmatic Manager Development Program is different – it has been developed by practicing managers, not by academics. Participants will apply their learnings to the real-life challenges they face in the workplace, bringing benefit to their company and developing their management know-how at the same time. 

This interactive program allows managers to develop their management and leadership capabilities in a small, personal group setting with other managers from different industries. The applied learning along with exposure to global good practice will enable participants to achieve both rapid impact and long-term, sustainable growth; gain competitive advantage; increase productivity; and enhance employee engagement.

For further information or to enrol in this program, click here.Â