Recording: The Wirecard Scandal
If you missed our recent online event about the Wirecard financial scandal, the recording is now available to Institute members on the BEX Membership Platform. Special thanks to Dr. Anastassia […]
If you missed our recent online event about the Wirecard financial scandal, the recording is now available to Institute members on the BEX Membership Platform. Special thanks to Dr. Anastassia […]
We are excited to announce an exclusive, online event for our members about the Wirecard financial scandal. Dr. Anastassia Lauterbach, former Wirecard Supervisory Board Member, and Pav Gill, the in-house
The Business Excellence Institute has long held that a truly holistic approach to management is needed for organisations to become excellent, and that excellence requires the needs of all stakeholders
Opportunity or Fad? ESG in an Age of Culture Politics Read More »
Pretty much every organization has values. In many cases, they look remarkably similar from organization to organization; a result of “benchmarking” or, if you want to be cynical, a lack
The question makes the implicit assumption that the change would be positive for the organization as a whole even if not for all stakeholders. And, it’s very broad. Does it
Should change initiatives ever be hidden from those who might oppose them? Read More »
EY\’s 13th Global Fraud Survey, published a few weeks ago, found that 11% of CEOs are willing to misstate financial figures. As this is both unethical and illegal, this is