Nominations for the Excellence Hall of Fame 2024 are now closed.

A maximum of four people can be inducted into the Excellence Hall of Fame in a calendar year.

Every year, each member of the Institute can nominate one suitable candidate, or second the nomination of one, for inclusion in the Hall of Fame. Nominations must be accompanied by a detailed note explaining why the nominator believes the nominee deserves to be put forward as a candidate.

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  1. Eligibility

To be eligible for nomination, a person needs to have a track record that demonstrates significant contribution to the organizations in which they have worked, the discipline of management, or society at large – and, ideally, at least two of these. As true excellence requires integrity, there must also be no significant questions about their integrity.

They must also not have been nominated in the last 3 years.

  1. Nominations

Each member of the Institute can nominate somebody for inclusion in the Hall of Fame if they have not nominated or seconded the nomination of somebody else in the year.

All nominations must be seconded by 2 Institute members. If the nominators are unable to secure the seconders themselves, they may ask the Institute for support in doing so.

  1. Eligibility & Probity Checks

The Institute’s Nominations Committee (which is drawn from its membership) reviews nominations and researches potential candidates using publicly available information to ensure that all the people nominated are eligible and that they have the integrity necessary to be worthy of being put forward.

They produce detailed bios containing independently verifiable information, outlining supporting information that our Fellows will be presented with to consider when determining whether or not the nominee should be elected to the Hall of Fame in their opinion.

  1. Election

These biographical profiles are circulated to all of the Institute’s Fellows who are asked to review the nominations and holistically evaluate each candidate. Our Fellows then vote by secret ballot (“Yes”, “No”, or “Abstain”) on whether each candidate should be inducted or not.

If, ignoring abstentions, over 75% of the votes for a nominee are “Yes” then he or she is deemed to be elected if less than 5 nominees would be elected by this process. If over 4 candidates would be elected, then the number of “Yes” votes for each is counted and the four people with the highest tally are deemed to be elected.