A new way to recruit?

I saw a program on BBC (yes, I live in Belgium but old habits die hard) about a small, family-run chocolatier (Who’s the Boss?, Sunday 6th March). They face, as…

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Do Excellence Awards work…?

This might be controversial but I’m not sure that any of the excellence awards have really helped promote the concepts of excellence, as was originally intended. Why? Well, having been…

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Santa – An Excellence Case Study

In the world of excellence, we're always looking for examples of organisations that achieve outstanding results time and time again. So, at this time of year, let's focus on the…

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Where Excellence Went Wrong

The Total Quality Management (TQM) movement started in Japan and spread as people recognised the tremendous benefits. In the late 80s and early 90s, the Baldrige Model and EFQM Model…

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